Sanatan Dharm
Hinduism is popularly and fondly called as Sanatan Dharma,as, Sanatan in Hindi means perpetual,eternal,something which was always there and will always be there. Dharma means religion or faith, but I always prefer to use the latter as Hinduism is not just about rituals and customs, in my belief it has more of a scientific and spiritual facet. It is an ocean of knowledge and life changing philosophies.
There are basically 5 terms which drive the whole ideology.
- Parmatma:- Param means "ultimate" and Atman is the "soul". Paratman is a soul whose sole aim is to bring happiness for others. A soul who is selfishly invested in enlightenment, happiness and prosperity of others, without thinking anything for itself. The soul of THE GOD, who is beyond everything.
- Jeevatma:- Jeev means "life", who is in the world as a living entity and has to go through the different phases of life, birth and death.
- Karma:- The account of your good and bad deeds. It makes sure that everyone gets poetic justice.
- Shudhta:- Purity. Here, purity isn't just being confined to the cleanliness of the body, it actually talks more about the piousness of your thoughts, your mind, your soul and of course your deeds.
- Bhakti:- Devotion, surrendering yourself to the Supreme energy. You don't need to the customary rituals for that all you need is self enlightment and unshakable trust.
Karma and Shudhta always get higher priority than Bhakti,i.e, even if you are a non believer, but a gem of a human being, the God is ought to support and bless you,as, by serving the people you are actually serving the God, as, the Jeevatma is a part of Parmatma, a manifestation.
However, when we enter this world our soul gets tainted with the materialistic things so much, that eventually we lose that connect.
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